Thursday, June 19, 2008

One Month Old

I can't believe that Eva is already a month old. Time has flown by!

Today Eva did 2 new things. First of all she grabbed at my hair when I put her in her carseat and she hung on to it for a few seconds. She has been grabbing my finger when I feed her - so this was the first time that she grabbed at something else. Then later this afternoon she rolled from her back to her side. I was impressed! She is also getting better with her head control - although there are times where I think she is going to knock me out with her head rolls!

We are taking bets on her eye color - blue or brown?


IMRPHOTO said...

hey congrats on your new kiddo.
shes cute!

IMRPHOTO said...

hey congrats on your new kiddo.
shes cute!

Megan said...

Love all the pics. :) As for the eye color...the picture looks blue! I couldn't tell of course on Friday 'cause she was showing off with her sleepiness. :) Adorable as ever!

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