Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 27

I think I am seriously growing every day!! According to some websites I am in my 7th month and my last trimester. Other websites say that I still have a week to go. Either way, I am starting to feel similar to my first trimester - with some moodiness, fatigue and the lovely icky feeling for a few hours in the morning. My body doesn't regulate temperature the same anymore either - and I am afraid that I am going to freeze Gilbert out!!

I am starting to work on the baby room more and more. Organizing and re-organizng things. I can't wait to get the dresser in so I can put clothes away. She already has so many cute things - and will have even more once I get Sophia's old clothes from my sister. Nothing is better than hand-me-downs. (I bet my Mom never thought I would say that!!).

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Baby Shower

This weekend we drove down to the Valley for our first baby shower thrown by Gilbert's Mom and sister Nora. It was a wonderful afternoon filled with friends and family - great food, games and wonderful gifts. Thanks for everything!!

Gilbert's Dad, Grandpa, Tio Gene Nikki, Pauline, Nora

Anna & Nora putting a diaper and outfit on Minnie.

Bella, Donna & Tia Julia guessing baby food by smell.

Yanelle smelling & Grandma tasting.

Tia Julia, Gilbert's Mom, Bella and Bel memorizing....

Bingo & Cake!

Cutting the cake. Some of the gifts.

More gifts!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Weird Lady at the Gym

One of the reasons I like my gym is because it mainly caters to the older crowd. I don't have to look at any young super fit girls or big beefy men. Even most of the trainers are more normal looking. Most of the clients there are middle aged professionals and are super nice. But there are always a few weird ones.
Today I went to my usual spin class and took my usual bike. There are about 20 bikes in the room - and todays class just had 6 participants. So plenty of room to spread out, right??
Well, not for one person. She comes in and gets on the bike that is closest to me. And then mentions that she has been sick with the flu for the past two weeks. One would think that if you were sick and insistent on going to the gym - you would try and stay away from people. Not get on the bike next to the pregnant woman?!?
All during class I heard this strange noice. It wasn't singing or humming or talking - but something in-between. I convinced myself that I was just imagining it - up until the end of class. The last song was "City of New Orleans" by Willie Nelson. According to her, this was her favorite song, so she just started belting it out while riding. At that point I realized that this woman had been making those strange sounds all throughout class. I wasn't crazy!!
I am hoping that maybe she was just hopped up on flu medicine. But I am partial to believing that she is just a bit off. For those of you that live in Austin - she is the typical Westlake kept woman. WEIRD!! Hoping that next week she finds another bike!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

26 Weeks

I just keep getting bigger and bigger - ahhh!! Can't believe that it is less than 100 days until Eva-Renee will be here.

I am still waking up a lot at night - which drives me crazy. For the past few weeks I have woken up around 3AM and am unable to fall back asleep for at least an hour. I am sure this is preparing me for sleepless nights later, but for now, it is really annoying.

My body has been filled with aches, but suprisingly, exercise seems to help. I can't imagine how much worse it is going to get!! Gilbert already has to help me gets boots on and off!!

This weekend Gilbert and I hit some good sales. We went to Osh Kosh and got 4 pairs of pants for $10. He helped me pick them out - which was so cute! I can't wait to dress her - and I really can't wait to see how Gilbert dresses her. I realized today that we need to order some 49ers wear - so she can help support her Dad's team during football season!

So much still to do!

Friday, February 15, 2008

New Hair, New Me

My sister lent me a great book - "Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy". In this book, the author suggests not to change your hair drastically during pregnancy. Whereas I think this is great advice, I was so tired of my hair color and style - I had to go against the advice. My reasoning was that my haircut wasn't going to be all that different from haircuts that I have done in the past. And as for color - I am finally back to my natural shade. I can't believe that it has taken me 10 years of coloring my hair to realize that my natural color is really what looks the best on me. I guess God really knew what he was creating:)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2 Year Wedding Anniversary

Monday was our 2 year anniversary. I can't believe how quickly time flies. On one hand it seems like we have known each other for more than 3 years - but on the other hand - I can remember the very beginning of our relationship like it was yesterday.

Here is a blast down memory lane.

3 years ago - Aaron Watson Concert - Valentine's Day

2 years ago - Our Wedding

Last Year - New York City - The Rainbow Room

This year

To celebrate, we decided to go to Gilbert's favorite restaurant - The Brazilian Steakhouse. Gilbert called ahead for a reservation and told them it was our anniversary - and I think everyone that worked there that evening told us "Happy Anniversary" - which was very sweet. We both ate tons of meat - everything was so delicious! And Gilbert let me order my favorite creme brule for dessert and even had a few bites. What a wonderful evening!

The name of the restaurant. I wasn't going to try and spell it!


Here are a few shots individually. They took one of us at the restaurant, but I thought I looked like a whale, so I deleted it. Ahh. The joys of pregnancy and body image....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunny Days Return!

This weekend was beautiful! Saturday was sunny and over 80 and Sunday was mostly sunny and in the 70s. Gilbert and I decided to take the dogs for a walk. They LOVED it. And they were extremely thirsty and tired when we got back!

25 Week Belly Shots

My sister has been asking for more pictures of my stomach - so here they are....

We went to the doctor on Thursday for my 24 week check up. The nurse was amazed that my blood pressure has not changed - it has been the same each time. I was surprised it was low this time because right before they called me back, we found out how much we have to pay out of pocket for the doctor visits and the birth. WOW!

The heartbeat was good (it took a good 5 minutes for the nurse to finally get it - Eva wouldn't stop moving!) and my weight was right on track. I don't have any problems with swelling - things are good! I go back in another 4 weeks for the much dreaded glucose test. Hopefully I haven't been eating too much sugar - I can't imagine no sweets!

Jenny & Jorge's Birthday

On Saturday night we went over to Jenny's parents house to celebrate Jenny and Jorge's birthdays. Jenny's birthday was on Friday and Jorge's on Monday - so they had a joint celebration along with Jenny's brother Michael - whose birthday was on Saturday! Lots of February birthdays!!

Around 11 some people headed downtown and Gilbert and I headed home. The pregnant lady needs her rest! And it was a good thing - we taught Sunday School today and had 24 kids! It was a bit overwhelming! I don't know how teachers do it!!

Gilbert, Jorge, Mario

Me & Jenny

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Grand Finale

Finally - football season is over!! Gilbert will now be available on Sundays to help clean the house and go to the grocery. We can also finally get caught up on the Netflix movies that have been sitting on our TV for months. (I think I am the only one happy about all of this!!)

Gilbert likes to watch the Super Bowl at his house, so Jorge and the kids came over to join us. I decided to try a new recipe - Chili Suizas Bake. It is similar to chicken enchlidas with green sauce - but is a bit healthier and much faster! Gilbert was a huge help in the kitchen - as I don't use a knife and the recipe called for a lot of chopped ingredients!

Chopping up the tomatillos
Adding the topping of crushed tortilla chips - doesn't he look like a professional?

The finished product - delish!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker