Sunday, June 29, 2008

How Does He Do It?

I love being home with Eva every day, but one thing that is frustrating for me is her naptime schedule. I know that they say that babies can't be on a schedule this early, but since I am so scheduled - I thought I would at least attempt it.

Well, it isn't working the way I thought. Some days Eva will take naps, other days she won't. Sometimes they last 5 minutes, other times an hour and a half - tops. I never thought it would take me a week to do laundry or that I wouldn't be able to stay on top of the mail - but it has happened. (Go ahead and say "I told you so")

The exceptions are on the days that Gilbert is home. Right now they are both napping - and have been doing so for the past 2 hours. This happens ALL THE TIME!

Maybe the key is that Gilbert naps with her, whereas I try to do a million things while she naps.

They are just too cute together. Here are a few pictures of their naps this week.

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

You should try it more often. Baby naps are the best and they grow out of it so fast.

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