Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

Gilbert and I had a wonderful Christmas this year. On Christmas Eve we went to the Christmas Eve service at church and then went over to Jorge and Jenny's for dinner.

On Christmas morning Gilbert and I got up and made breakfast together. We made Gorilla Bread, which is similar to Monkey Bread - except Gorilla Bread has cream cheese in the center. Gilbert was such a good sport, considering I gave him all the messy work!

While breakfast was in the oven, Gilbert and I opened gifts. We both received such wonderful things - including my beautiful Coach diaper bag!!

What woman doesn't get excited about a brown box?

I really hope I don't spill anything on it:)

My Dad got the dogs a Fox. I guess they both like it!

Ahh. Finally a good pair of maternity jeans. Babystyle rocks!

For lunch we went over to Brad and Nikki's. It was great to spend Christmas with family and we played Whoonu. Based on the game, it seems like Brad knows Gilbert and I better than we know each other!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Touch, Don't Poke!

Gilbert received one of his Christmas presents early this year - an Apple I-Touch. He wanted to get it on Friday before we left to drive down to the Valley. Since he was driving, I was in charge of changing songs - and I soon found out that if you poke the buttons, it won't work! So Gilbert started telling me that it is called an I-Touch, not an I-Poke!

Now if we can only get it in sync with our wireless internet....

My days of road trips are numbered. I was so uncomfortable....

There was a beautiful full moon on our drive back.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

JD Turns 2

On Monday night we went over to Jorge and Jenny's to celebrate JD's 2nd birthday. JD loved all of the cars that he received as gifts, but I think he liked the icing on his cookie cake even more. The pictures are just too cute!

Happy Birthday to me!

Using my hands is so over-rated

Standing gives me a better angle....


All done!

Quick Trip to Indiana

This past weekend I went to Indiana to visit my family for Christmas. I just couldn't imagine not seeing them open their gifts - so when I earned a free ticket on Southwest, I decided that now was as good of time as any to use it!

Sophie is talking more now than she was at Thanksgiving and she sure loves her books. Well, I should rephrase and say that she really likes the same book over and over again! She also says "no" a lot and I found a sure way to get her to say "no" - by asking her to give me a hug!! She is just going through a phase of only wanting those familiar to her, which is a phase that I think I am still going through:)

I was also able to witness one of her tantrums - and all I could do was laugh. She threw herself on the floor spread eagle. Too dramatic. And lucky for me, that is one of the traits that she inherited from me! Hopefully that gene is not too dominant!!

Of course the trip was too short, but it was great getting to see and spend time with my family.

Feeding the dogs treats is so much fun!

What a beautiful girl!

Week 17 & Dr. Visit

I am almost done with my 4th month - yeah!!! But it also means that this is the last week that I have to sleep on my back. Sleeping on my side all night continues to be really tough for me!

Last Monday Gilbert and I went to see my new doctor (my old doctor moved to Houston). Dr. Reue was very nice and we both felt comfortable with him immediately. He lifted many of my "restrictions" - I can have beef (cooked anyway except rare), cheese in restaurants, color my hair, do lunges and squats and continue to do ab exercises on a stability ball. I can also travel to Mexico. I feel like this huge pressure of having to watch every little thing that I do and eat is off. What a relief!

He also decided to do a sonogram, since he had never seen the baby. Gilbert and I were super excited - as we hoped to be able to see if it is a boy or a girl. I really couldn't see the monitor - as I let Gilbert see the baby. He was amazed at how you could make out the facial features, the hands, the feet, the spine. He was super excited!!! The baby was sitting Indian style and would only move one of its legs. It kept that other leg tucked in tight!! When the doctor tried to get the baby to move, it decided to take its hands and put them "down there". I think we have a little joker on our hands!!! The doctor did mention that he got a few glimpses and he thinks it is a girl. But we should know next month after the ultrasound. Hopefully the baby will cooperate then!

I am feeling good. Still able to work out - which is really helping me to feel better about myself! I am starting to get pains in my knees and hips - which is all normal as my ligiments start to stretch out. I just have to remind myself not to get up so fast or move to suddenly. Can't wait to see what this next month brings!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Who's the Boss?

Gilbert and I have an over-sized chair that we like to sit in together. Our dogs also like to sit in the chair with us - so it can become quite crowded!
Ricco makes sure that he is always comfortable and will not move. I am serious, if you try to move him, he will make himself dead weight and it is next to impossible to move him!!
The other night Gilbert and I were sitting together and I was leaning on Gilbert and Ricco decided to squeeze in on the other side of me. Here is a picture of how comfortable he was!

Roxie is good and will lay at the bottom of the chair. I sure wish Ricco would learn something from her! As my belly grows, there is going to be less and less room in the chair!!

It is so great to be loved!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Welcome Joe Ryan Mata!

On Thanksgiving, Joe and Rebekah welcomed thier son - Joe Ryan Mata. He was 9lbs 2oz. Last Sunday Gilbert and I went over to visit. He was so tiny!! I guess I forget how little newborns really are!! I helped Rebekah give him a bath and then I fed him and rocked him to sleep. He is such a good baby!!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker