Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3 Weeks Old

Gilbert was off on Monday so it was nice to get to spend 2 days in a row together. Gilbert was able to see how much Eva has changed - as her daytime personality is different than her nighttime personality! Yesterday and last night was very challenging in the feeding department, so today Eva received a bottle after I breastfed her. Mom gave her the bottle because I couldn't do it (baby steps), but she didn't seem phased by it. Plus it took her only 5 minutes to down the bottle, whereas it was taking me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour with the SNS system. This plan seems more sustainable and my only hope is that she doesn't end up preferring the bottle over me...

Me & My Baby


1 comment:

The Cissells said...

She's getting sssooo big! She is beautiful. I love her in yellow. That is a cute outfit.
I love you Eva!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker