Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eating & Playing

Here are some pictures and video from Saturday. We didn't do anything exciting - just ran some errands and ate at chic-fil-a. Gilbert and I are on a very tight budget and don't get to eat out anymore. But we came in under budget this month and decided to eat out for lunch at chic-fil-a! Eva liked the fries and chicken but enjoyed watching all the kids play even more!!

After we got home from running errands, we played upstairs.
She does this crazy thing where she wrinkles up her nose and kinda snorts. I need to capture it on video.....

Kissing mama.
This picture is funny because she looks....
Eva eyeing Daddy's food.

She had chicken, green beans, corn and homemade buttermilk biscuit. She liked the green beans the best.

Monday, February 23, 2009

He's Here

Issac Grant Cissell was born a little before 9AM this morning. Gilbert and I kept Sophia this morning and took her over in the afternoon. Poor little girl fell asleep when we were about 2 minutes away from the hospital. So Gilbert stayed in the car with the sleeping girls and I got to go in by myself and love on little Isaac. He is such a handsome little man - all 9lbs 3ozs of him!

Little Ike

This is a picture of Sophia when she was born. I think the Cissell babies look alike!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

9 Months Old

Time flies when you are having fun!! Eva has really developed this past month. She can feed herself, is babbling more and is cruising and crawling all over the place. She has also mastered opening and closing cabinet doors and drawers. She is finally getting into books and reading. Her favorites are "I Love you Through and Through", "Where is Baby's Belly Button" and "Peek-a Who?". She still loves music and will dance anytime she hears something with a beat! For a few weeks she was doing great with jarred baby food, but lately she won't have it. So we have been feeding her our food - mainly grilled chicken, rice, corn and bread. That girl LOVES bread. She also eats my baked oatmeal and oreos. She is pretty funny/frustrating when eating. She will put her hand in front of her mouth when she doesn't want anymore and will push the spoon away. Usually feeding time lasts over 20 minutes because she will continually change her mind about eating. She also thinks it is hilarious to drop food off the side of her highchair to the dogs waiting down below!

Gilbert is a wonderful father and loves spending time with her. He had his hours cut at work and is home with us all day on Mondays. Due to his company cutting his hours further, he is going to look for a second job. I am really going to miss all the family time we have right now. And I am still searching for a job. But trying to enjoy every second that I have with Eva. It is going to be really hard to leave her and go back into an office setting. I know that God has a plan for us - please continue to pray for our patience while he does his work!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Little Bit of Everything

Something is funny!

I think she wasnts to go outside.

Hi Ricco

Doesn't he look like a pro?

Wonderful Ribs

Valentine's Day outfit from Mimi


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Evenings with Mama

Eva and I have a great evening routine. After dinner she gets to watch Dora and the opening of Diego. She really doesn't watch either, she spends most of her time crawling around on the floor and playing with the dogs. But she does love the music parts!

Next up is a bath and then playtime in her room before bed. She loves taking everything out and putting everything in her mouth! Notice how she doesn't chew on any toys...
We were listening to La Vivora de Lamar. I think she likes it.

I used to find those toys that sing songs very annoying, but soon realized that kids LOVE them. Here is Eva trying to kiss hers.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Today's weather was nice and Gilbert and I decided to take advantage and take Eva on a walk. She wasn't too happy about being in the stroller until we gave her the keys and she kept them in her mouth the rest of the time!

And this was taken earlier in the day....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wild Woman

Eva has become super animated over the past week. She is even more active and makes all kinds of noises and sounds. My favorite has to be her laugh.

Eva loves to take her socks off and the only way we can get her to keep them on is to add shoes to the mix. Love these red boots.

Before bed she loves to get out every last bit of energy. And that includes climbing on....
and off!

ABC Breakfast

On Saturday morning we had our first all ladies ABC Breakfast. (ABC stands for Aguilar-Blackwell-Cissell) We decided to try Neil and Patty's Fireside Restaurant in Sellersburg. The food was great, but the entertainment was better!! Mom and I gave Amy some gifts for Isaac and Sophia had a great time unwrapping them. There was one gift that Isaac might never see - it was a blanket that Mom made out of Diego fabric.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Purple People Eater

This post is for my sister. I used to love the color purple and would mix and match all shades thinking that they were all purple, so they all matched. I also had a purple sweatsuit which received the nickname of Grimace.

When purchasing clothes for Eva I am drawn to purple ones. I can't help it, I love the color!

My Little Einstein

I told you she loves it!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker