Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday Night at Olive Garden

We all went to church on Saturday evening and then went to Olive Garden for dinner. Eva was a bit fussy (she has been battling a cold for the past few days) and the waiter ticked me off (he didn't like what I ordered), but the company was great and my glass of wine was perfect (and much needed!).

Waiting for our table. The place was PACKED!

Sophia obviously wanted what her Daddy was eating!

So Much to be Thankful for....

We celebrated Thanksgiving with my parents, Amy, Cory and Sophia on Thursday night. Before dinner Mom had us write with fabric marker all the things we were thankful for on the tablecloth. This tablecloth will make an appearance yearly at Thanksgiving and it will be interesting to read our blessings each year and add to them.

Dad and Amy deep in thought.

The Cissells

Gilbert & Dad

I think my Dad was thankful that Eva is finally starting to sit with him without crying. She really is going through a stranger phase....

New House Pictures

So everything seems to be moving forward with selling our house in Austin and closing on the house in Charlestown. Here are some pictures of the house - the builder is hoping to have it completed by the 15th of December and Gilbert and I would like to move in before Christmas!


The stairs to the bonus room - which will be our office/playroom.

Here is the playroom half

And this will be the office half.

Family Room with the pergo floor - they should be installing this week!

Gilbert holding up my terracotta curtains.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Post-Pregnancy Bodies

I was inspired to write this post after reading an article by Martha Brockenbrough on MSN titled: Celebrity Bikini Shots: Warning Label Required. She writes about Faith Hill on the cover of Shape magazine. Faith claims that she has this wonderful of a body at 40 and after 3 children by doing Pilates 3 times per week. That may be the case - and she may be one of those genetically blessed people - but I personally think a little photoshopping was involved.
Before I got pregnant (and even during my pregnancy) I was OBSESSED with my body. I compared my pregnant belly to the various celebrities that were pregnant at the same time, women in pregnancy magazines and any woman I saw shopping. I didn't want to gain too much weight and I wanted to lose it all right away. I mean, if Heidi Klum can get into a bikini 6 weeks after having a baby, then I should be able to get into one after at least 6 months, right?? WRONG!
What I didn't want to admit is that even if I kept my weight gain at minimum and started to work out right away, there was this crazy thing called skin. And no matter how much lotion or potion I rubbed on my belly, there was no way that it was going to snap right back into place. It took 9 months to stretch and to think it was going to magically go back to normal was crazy thinking on my part.
Eva turned 6 months old last week and I am not 100% happy with my body right now, but I do think I have done a decent job at returning to normal. I think I have lost the majority of the weight, but no matter how many crunches I do, there still is this beer gut thing going on. Maybe once I stop breastfeeding and can start dieting it will return to normal, but maybe it won't. I have come to terms with the fact that my body has changed. If you think about it, having a baby is a wonderful journey - and I have the scars to prove it. Sure, I would love to have a body like Heidi, Angelina or Jessica Alba - but the fact is I don't have a nanny, personal trainer, personal chef or money for plastic surgery. I am a normal, regular everyday Mom who is happy when she gets to take a long shower. I just wish these celebrities would admit that they have some extra "help" in getting their body back so the rest of us normal Moms don't feel so bad:)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

For Nina

My Little Turkey

Eva makes these crazy squawking noices - but usually only to Sophia. I think she is starting to understand the art of conversation - talking to Sophia after Sophia sings or talks to her. It is so cute - and kinda crazy. Listen for the sound she makes at the end of the video.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Marking the End of Fall

Pretty soon it will be all about Christmas, so I am glad we got this cute shot of Eva in the leaves.

Taking a Little Off the Top

Gilbert had a hair appointment today and Eva and I went with him. The main purpose of this was to see if they would trim Eva's hair. Her bangs were getting pretty long and she had some side pieces that were a bit crazy. So today marked her first haircut!


After! Everyone is happier after a haircut, right Eva?

Get In Shape Girl

So I have been exercising in some form or fashion since I was 12 or 13. (Unless you count Get In Shape Girl audio tapes - that started much earlier....) I started out with the Cindy Crawford workout videos and also watched some workout shows on TV. I loved the ones on ESPN (even annoying Denise Austin) and also did one on KET called Body Electric. Wouldn't you know that Body Electric is still on??? So I asked Amy to TIVO it for me since the workouts are only about 20 minutes long and it seems that is about all the time I have to work out these days. Today Sophia decided to join me. The first time she joined me for a workout was a few weeks ago when I was doing Turbo Jam. I wish I had pictures of that because it was super fun to watch Sophia try all the punching moves! But here she is at the end of the workout stretching with me.

Monday Morning Fun

Eva and Sophia both slept in late on Monday morning and Amy was in the shower when Sophia woke up. So I went in to get her and brought her into our room so she could hang out. She saw some new bows on the dresser and wanted 2 in Eva's hair and 3 in hers. She is so silly!

Sophia is a little detective when it comes to finding pacifiers. She even knows where I keep all the spare ones for Eva. She is a little Dora the Explorer!! She was asking Baby Eba if she needed her binky. So sweet - always thinking of others!
I don't know if she is shocked about having her picture taken early in the morning or if she is not loving her 2 hairbows.

Gilbert was not ready to be up!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cute as a Button

Eating Peas

She is a mess!!


Forgive me - Amy just showed me how to upload videos:)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Toasty Toes

I have been waiting to live in a cold weather state in which I could wear some real boots. I hate how people in warm weather climates wear Uggs - Uggs are for cold weather only!! Since is has been cold the last few days, I decided it was time to pull out my Emu boots (Uggs were just too expensive for me...). I was prepared to be made fun of. First from Gilbert who told me I was trying to look like a teenager (not true) and then later Amy who asked if I tripped over the snow drifts on my way in. Cory has not made his comment (yet), but I think he was just too tired today and didn't notice. My favorite comment was from Sophia. I went to her room when she woke up from her nap and the first thing she said to me was "Cool boots Aunt Juju". That girl is after my own heart:) Thanks for appreciating style Sophia Grace!

6 Months Old

I can't believe that Eva is already 6 months old - how quickly the time flies! She is becoming more and more active - and it is getting very difficult for me to get anything done. She loves to get down on the floor and play as well as walk around with our assistance. Today I discovered that she is starting to pull herself into a seated position in her co-sleeper, so we will be lowering it soon and moving her to her crib as soon as we get into our house. Here are some pictures of our happy baby!!

Little Giggle

Sophia loves to make Eva laugh.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Amy & Her Girls

I am SO grateful for my sister. Not only is she letting Gilbert, Eva and I stay with her, but she always seems to know when I need help or need a break with Eva. Being a parent is a 24/7 job and sometimes I get frustrated and just don't know what else to do with Eva. Amy will then swoop in and give me some time to just sit back, relax and learn! I don't know what I would do without her!

Amy is really good about getting Eva on the floor so she can do her pushups:)

Sunday Evening at Mimi's

We have eaten our past 2 Sunday dinners at Mimi & Pardie's. It has been great to all be together for dinner and is always entertaining with the 2 girls! This past Sunday Mom made Hot Browns and they were delicious!

I think Eva is ready to jump on the table and start eating!

The Cissells.

Eva and Carrots

Gilbert took over. He has so much more patience....

I think she is done?!?

Eying dessert

Mmmmm. Chocolate sauce.

Amy you should really thank me for not putting the other picture up - you know what I am talking about!!

New Mom Advice

Recently I re-connected with a high school friend on facebook. She is expecting and due in June. She asked me how my pregnancy was and it got me thinking about what life was like just a year ago.
One thing any pregnant woman/new mom will tell you is that they get TONS of advice or suggestions. Much of which they don't ask for. I have 3 little pieces of advice.
First - enjoy every second of your pregnancy. Even the not so fun stuff of watching your belly expand and your monthly weigh-ins at the doctor. People are nicer to pregnant women - so love every minute of the attention. Because as soon as the baby arrives, it will no longer be about you!
Second - be true to yourself and be flexible. When it comes down to what birthing experience you want, breast or bottle feeding, cry it out, co-sleeping, etc. go with what you know if best for you and for your baby and be willing to let certain ideals go. I can't tell you how many times I thought about these sorts of issues before I had Eva, but changed my mind after she was born. There is not 1 way to parent and no 1 book (or person) has all the answers.
Ask for advice and listen to what other say, but at the end of the day you have to feel good about your decisions.
And a third piece of advice - take another Mom shopping with you or ask for their opinions when you are picking out carseats, strollers, etc. They will be able to tell and show you things you never thought of. That $500 stroller isn't always the best - especially if it doesn't have a snacktray or cupholder:)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Busy Week

It seems that Eva really doesn't do anything new for awhile - and then does a bunch of stuff new all at once. This week she started sitting up on her own and is now standing while holding onto something. She isn't cruising yet, but that might be soon! She is also scooting backwards while on her belly. She can really hold her body up well - I think she will be crawling within the next few weeks. Ahh!! Good thing Amy's house is already baby-proofed. Eva is really starting to grab at EVERYTHING. She is also getting better about putting her pacifier in her mouth and taking it back out. Oh - and she finds it really funny to drop toys and make us pick them up over and over and over again:)
Scooting (Gilbert was helping her get on all 4s)


Crazy Bed Hair

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker