Sunday, March 2, 2008

Week 28 & Nesting

Week 28 is off to a bang. I am finding it harder and harder to convince myself that I am full. I guess Eva is going through a growth spurt or something! I am going to have to be really careful about what I eat. Maybe I can use this as an opportunity to eat more fruit...right.....

Nesting has kicked in full swing. Today Gilbert and I spent over an hour in the nursery unpacking the suitcase that my sister brought to me in Chicago (thanks Amy!!). It was full of 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing - including shoes and baby towels. I went into major organization mode. Hopefully my dresser will come in soon. Right now I have stacks of clothes on the floor!

I organized all the washcloths and towels. Plus all of the nighties by size. The smaller hanging organizer has all her cute little shoes - by size of course. Eva-Renee is going to be one stylish little lady!


The Cissells said...

You only received a small portion of the 3-6 month clothes. Just wait until I get to the bottom of the Rubbermaid storage container.

Becky Kidd said...

Hi guys, hope you all are doing well. Time seems to be flying by doesn't it? It will go even faster, once she is actually here, so enjoy and capture every moment you can. She is going to bring you more joy than you ever thought possible. Oh....and I have her gift... ready to add to that wardrobe she's collecting. I will send it sometime next week so be expecting it. Take Care and God Bless you Both!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker