Sunday, March 9, 2008

29 Weeks

Gilbert and I just realized last night that if I deliver on the week of May 19th, that means we only have 10 more weeks to go. Sounds like no time at all!! So there is a slight panic to make sure everything is ready for Eva.

I had a doctor appointment this week and everything went well. I passed the glucose test, which was a relief. I am measuring at 27 weeks - so Eva is growing as she should. Thankfully I have only gained 14 pounds - I just have to keep it up and stick to only gaining a half to a pound a week for the next 10 weeks. Sometimes I find that I get full really fast and then there are other times where I feel that I could just keep eating and eating and eating:)

Eva has been moving a lot more lately - mostly in the morning when I am working and sometimes in the evening after dinner. I hope she keeps this schedule - she really isn't waking me up a lot at night.

Every day it becomes more real - I am going to be a Mom!

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

I can't wait to meet you Evie. Your momma looks great!

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