Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter BBQ

Sunday afternoon we went over to Nikki and Brad's for lunch. Brad's birthday is tomorrow, so we celebrated that as well.
Nikki made a chocolate mint cake. It was delicious!
Singing Happy Birthday to Brad

Katie read Brad's card from his Dad out loud. It was very sweet (and she is a great reader!).

Nikki and Brad sent the kids upstairs so that Gilbert and Brad could go outside and hide eggs. The big hit was the confetti eggs. I didn't get involved - because I didn't want to be on the receiving end! But everyone else had a great time mashing eggs on each other! I guess the confetti was pretty clean compared to what Gilbert and Nikki used to do. They used to fill the eggs with ketchup, flour and all kinds of nasty stuff. I can't imagine!

Even Randy got hit!

Nikki taught Gilbert and I a little trick about Easter baskets. Recycle treats every other year - the kids never remember:)

There is this fart stuff that is similar to play-dough except it makes fart sounds. Gilbert loved it. I think he is turning 12 this year.

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