Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today I went to PC Materials to pick out cabinets, flooring and light fixtures for the new house. I wasn't as indecisive as I thought I would be. What helped is that I had a budget that I had to stay in - which limited my choices a great deal:)

I also finally selected the paint color. It is called Rich Cream and is a nice yellow/tan.

Next week I meet with the plumber to pick out the sink and plumbing fixtures. I love this stuff!! Now if my house in Austin would only sell....

Here are the cabinets that will go in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Cabinet fixtures. Handles will go on the drawers and knobs on the cabinets. See picture below for visual...


Flooring next to cabinet. Pergo will be everwhere except the bedrooms (carpet) and the bathrooms (tile).

Light fixture for kitchen nook.

Light fixture for the kitchen and foyer.

Carpet Selection next to Pergo selection.

Pergo, Tile and Carpet selections. I even had to pick the grout!

Outdoor light fixtures.

Bathroom light fixture

Ceiling fan for family room and master.

Light fixture for hallways and other bedrooms.

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

Keeping our fingers crossed that your house sells soon!!! Looks like good choices.

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