Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Update

This weekend was pretty laid back - which was nice. We were able to visit with friends on Friday night (thanks for having us over Lindy & Danny) and tackled some projects/errands on Saturday and Sunday. Gilbert even got to watch some football!

One of my projects was sorting through Eva's clothes. It is officially fall here and I don't think Eva will be needing any more of her shorts! It was sad to pack them up, knowing that I won't see them again unless Amy or I have another girl (and as of right now, I am done!). I don't know why I forget that babies grow - Eva is already in her 6 months clothes. They are still a little big - but since she is so long (she is now in the 75% for height and 50% for weight), I would much rather her pants cover her legs than be highwaters!

Here are some pictures from Saturday night. We went to church and dinner with my parents. Going to church on Saturday night is great - it gives Gilbert a full day to relax - since he will be working OT most Saturdays....

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