On Sunday our friends Jenny & Jorge had a little going away party for us. As we were all talking, the subject of college and degrees came up. It was asked "how many of us are actually using our degree" - to which none of us are. Hard to believe that we all went to school - and spent lots of time and money - for degrees that we are not using.
I think that I am using my degree to some extent - but having a degree in not necessary to do my job.
Other than my friends and family in healthcare - is anyone else out there doing what they went to school for?
Would you have your current job if you didn't have a degree?
Hmmm. A degree is not required, but I probably wouldn't have advanced as far as I did without it.
Among my friends out here, I'm actually one of the ONLY ones not using my degree, or has a job where a degree isn't even neccessary. Thus me going back to school. But my husband is doing marketing for Honeywell (Business Marketing degree), and most of the others are engineers, so they are using those. Mostly just makes me think I need new friends. :)
Nope. Just the nurses I know. A lot of the people I know are through Troy so they don't even have degrees as fire and police don't require them. Having 2 degrees and not using them is kinda depressing...maybe someday... :)
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