Today I had my 36 week sonogram. Luckily Gilbert was able to leave work so he could see the sonogram. It is still hard for me to really picture what she looks like. When I look at the sonogram monitor I just think she looks like skeletor, but with chunkier cheeks! She already weighs 5 lbs. 15 oz. - which is a good healthy weight. The doctor predicted that she will gain a half a pound to a full pound the next few weeks - so he is thinking she will be around 8 lbs at birth. The big news is that she has hair - lots of hair!! So I guess someone needs to teach me how to make ponytails!

As for me, I have lost weight since my last appointment 2 weeks ago - which is a huge relief. Everything else with me was fine - I go back again next week. It felt strange hearing the doctor tell me when I should call them (contractions, water breaking, etc.). Just makes everything more real!
Eva!!!! I am so excited to meet you. I am not so good with hair, but it is a good thing your momma is. You look like you have a lot of it.
You already you have more hair than your Great Uncle Luke. You are a lucky girl, because you have two great parents!
Love you!
Your Great Uncle Luke
You are hilarious!
I bet she's gonna be cuuuuuuute!
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