Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 27

I think I am seriously growing every day!! According to some websites I am in my 7th month and my last trimester. Other websites say that I still have a week to go. Either way, I am starting to feel similar to my first trimester - with some moodiness, fatigue and the lovely icky feeling for a few hours in the morning. My body doesn't regulate temperature the same anymore either - and I am afraid that I am going to freeze Gilbert out!!

I am starting to work on the baby room more and more. Organizing and re-organizng things. I can't wait to get the dresser in so I can put clothes away. She already has so many cute things - and will have even more once I get Sophia's old clothes from my sister. Nothing is better than hand-me-downs. (I bet my Mom never thought I would say that!!).

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

Time is going to go by so fast now. Little Eva is getting bit! You are looking good. Just remember, this is not the time to push yourself. Get some rest. You are going to need it. If you start swelling...SIT DOWN with your feet up. Take care of my neice. Sophia is excited to meet her.

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