- Giving hugs and kisses.
- Dancing and spinning around in a circle.
- Grouping like things together. She will grab matching shoes and both toy trains. She also will take out all her little blocks and put them all back into the box.
- Throwing and bouncing a ball.
- Whispering. And SCREAMING!!!
- Using a brush to brush our hair.
- Brushes her teeth with her toothbrush.
- Can take off her diaper.
- Throws major tantrums when we won't give her something that she wants.
- Points to what food item she wants to try. She also really likes to feed herself and get the food from the container.
- Super interactive play with the dogs.
- Running!!! She can slide open the gate to the hallway and will walk around the house trying to find us!
- Starting to follow instruction - if we tell her to find the ball or give us something.
- Learning body parts. She has "nose" down pat. Still working on the rest!!
She isn't talking yet, but does a lot of sound repeating after we tell her words. We are doing both English and Spanish, so we realize that her speech may be delayed due to dual language development.
She is growing up fast. At some point the milestones seem to come faster and faster.
Wow. She has had a busy year!
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