Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

This was my first official Mother's Day. It was a very relaxing day - Gilbert made breakfast and lunch for me and then we went over to Mom's for dinner. Since I usually cook at least 2 meals every day (breakfast during the week is cereal for Gilbert and baked oatmeal for me) and all 3 on the weekends, it was very nice to have a break!

Me & my Mom

Gilbert, Eva and some corn

Little Isaac

So Eva has received a few traits from me. Her hair color, her need for matching pairs and her love of chocolate!!


Mimi & Isaac

Pardie & Issac

Amy found one of those neat cards where you can record a message that plays when the card is opened. Sophia recorded the message and seemed to love hearing herself! I am glad she likes her voice - I hate to hear myself on tape!

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