Friday, September 19, 2008

4 Months Old

Eva turned 4 months old today! Can't believe how quickly the past months have flown by!
She is following things more with her eyes. She loves to look at the TV, her hands, my hands, faces, ceiling fans, and herself in the mirror. It is getting harder to keep her in the carseat at the store - she likes to be held so that she can check everything out. I think this is good for her development, but is causing me some serious neck and back pain! I have a wrap that I love - but I don't always remember to take it!

She still loves to be on her changing table. It is a great way to get in her daily dose of tummy time!

She loves her playmat and exersaucer - but both are time limited. I have also started this week to lay her on a blanket in the office and put a few toys down. She seems to really like it and is attempting to roll over! She rolled over on her own a few days ago, but hasn't done it since.

She likes music and dancing around. She loves to wrap her hands in my hair and pull. She has also started to grab at whatever I am holding.

Can't wait to see what this next month brings!

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

I love the first pic. It may be one of my all time fav pics of her.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker