Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Celebrating Love

This past weekend Gilbert, Eva and I went to Orlando to celebrate my grandparents 65th wedding anniversary. It was so nice to be around family - and we were all there! My grandparents and Uncle George from Pennsylvania, my parents, sister, bro-in-law and niece from Indiana, Suzie from South Palm (she just returned from 2 weeks in Costa Rica!), and Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Ken, cousin Steve and wife Jenn from Orlando. Whew - what a bunch!

The only big plans were having a photographer come to the house to capture some big family photos and celebrate their 65th anniversary with cake. The other big highlight was receiving a "Grandmother Remembers" book that my grandmother and mom put toghether with some amazing stories and photos.

Here are tons of pictures from the weekend with lots of love to go around!

Eva on the plane. She did so well and we lucked out with one of the few empty middle seats on our Southwest flight!

The reason for our trip!

Grammie & Eva

Aunt Amy, (Jackie), Eva

Miss Sophie greeting Eva

The girls are catching up. A lot has happened since their July visit.

Talking and Not Talking

One of the many hugs exchanged

One of the many kisses exchanged!

Holding Baby Eba

Sharing means caring! Sophia is sharing Pinky with Eva.

The Girls

Me, Eva and Grammie

Pardie & Eva

Sophia and Eva are about the same age difference as my sister and I. Mimi is having fun with her girls - remembering the fun times:)

Loving on Eva after game night. Isn't she the sweetest?

Munching on her fingers with Daddy.

My girl

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