Thursday, March 5, 2009


On Monday evening we headed over to Amy and Cory's. I made my homemade pizza (so good) and we wanted to see Issac and play with Sophia.

These are actually pictures from Sunday when Sophia came over to play. I gave the girls an Oreo. I think they liked it!
In the car. Eva has been HORRIBLE about being in her carseat lately. She will cry the whole time. I kept her entertained by letting her take my sunglasses on and off my face.

I don't know how professional photographers do it. It was so tough to get the 2 girls to look at the camera. Isaac of course was perfect.

I like this one of Isaac giving the peace sign.

Checking out the little guy. Eva loves all kids, but really isn't sure what to do with babies.

Perfection. I can't get over how tiny he is and that I had a baby that was even smaller. He is such a sweet baby!

Here is a video of Eva and Sophia going down the slide of the bouncy. They have so much fun together and Eva really learns a lot from being around Sophia.

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

We aren't going to be able to call her "Baby Eba" much longer.

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