Eva took her first steps on Tuesday. She walked a few times throughout the day and was quite pleased with herself. She hasn't done it since, but I am sure it is just a matter of time before she remembers that she can walk!!
She loves to play her version of hide and seek. If I open the bedroom door she will take off across the hall to either the guest room or her bedroom and wait for me to come and get her. She also likes to crawl inbetween furniture and peek up at me. She is a super fast crawler!!
She walks around her learn and groove music table and gets so excited that she starts breathing funny - almost like a snort. She really likes the mobility thing...
Eva loves to do everything by herself. She wants to feed herself and hold a cup herself. Last night she filled a cup in the bathtub up with water and tried to drink it! She really observes and mimics from that. On Monday she watched Sophia playing with a clapper toy and then went over and knew just what to do with it to make noise.
I am worried about finding a job, but so blessed at the same time to be able to have this special time at home with Eva.
Can Gilbert pull me around like that? I LOVE the first pic. Such a big girl.
Awwww! Go Eva go!
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