Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Job Fair

This morning I got dressed up for the job fair. Overall I was glad I went, although it was frustrating. Most of the banks I spoke with were not hiring and some were not even accepting resumes. Makes you wonder why they were even there?? I am still keeping the faith that the right job is out there for me.

It was fun putting on makeup and getting dressed up - as oftentimes I stay in my pjs all day. Here are a few pictures of me when I got home. I missed my little girl!

When we started to give Eva a pacifier, I already worried about how we would get her off of it once she became older. Turns out I shouldn't have worried because about a month or so ago she decided that she didn't want it anymore. Today she found one in my bedside drawer. It kept her entertained for a few minutes....

Last night when Gilbert got home from work I asked him to check on Eva. This is what he saw.

Awake or asleep - she is one silly baby!


Tammi said...

It makes absolutely no sense to set up at a job fair yet they aren't hiring. I mean really?! Waste of everyone's time.

You look sharp though!

The Aguilars said...

Thanks! I think a lot of the companies were there for PR - to get their name in the paper. So many of them had keychains, etc for people to take. It was...strange.

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