Thursday, July 10, 2008

Stress, Stress, Stress

Thank goodness Gilbert and I leave on Saturday for vacation. This week has been super stressful!
For starters, the person that was covering for me during my maternity leave did not have a clue how to do my job and has really messed some things up. Now I have to take everything back and fix it - on top of additional duties. Plus I discovered a fraudulent loan this week - not good. It has been really tough to get things done this week because Gilbert did not have a day off and his day off last week was July 4th. So I haven't been able to have a single work day in the past 2 weeks to just focus on work and not Eva. Too much to do and never enough time!! I am going to start my nanny search when we get back from vacation!
On top of this, I noticed something with Ricco this morning (I will spare you the details) and I have to take him to the vet tomorrow. So the day before vacation I have to take a 7-week old baby and a crazy cocker spaniel to the vet to spend money that I don't want to spend!!
And if I didn't need anything else, Humana drafted my account for $400 more than what they should have this month and when I call they tell me that their mainframe is down and I will have to call back. They are hoping it will be fixed in a few hours. What??? I need to get to the bottom of this NOW! I am sure I will need that $400 for the vet tomorrow!
Ugg. Can anything else happen?


The Cissells said...

Good news is that bad stuff happens in 3s and you have gotten 3 things under your belt. So, you should be home free for vacation! Maybe you can take a nap or sleep in while you're here!! You never know what could happen.

Tammi said...

Oh wow. Hopefully that's the end of the crisis and you can enjoy your vacation without any other mishaps.

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