Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

We went to church this morning at the new Southeast location in Southern Indiana. It was so nice to only drive 15 minutes or so to church! Eva stayed in the nursery the entire time. I was a bit nervous about it, but she cried a bit, slept and then cried a bit more. Hopefully she will start adjusting to other people and places. It was nice to be able to sit through an entire service!

Wish I got a picture of her in her pretty orange dress. But I am sure Amy took plenty that she will post to her blog. Sophia's class was right across the hall from Eva's (I really wish that they could have been in a room together...). When I peeked in to see her the first time, she was busy with the play kitchen. The next time I poked my head in there she didn't look too happy. I am guessing it was because two boys had taken the kitchen over!!
She still had some remaining tears on her face. She sure knows how to make us feel bad!

Isaac was super cute in his sweater vest. You can't see his shoes, but they were awesome too. And I liked my Dad's shirt and tie combo. Both of the boys were sharp dressers today.

1 comment:

Yemmy said...

Love the pics! Your family is so cute!

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