Sunday, January 27, 2008

Robby's Fear Factor Birthday Party

On Saturday Gilbert and I drove to Bastrop for Robby's 11th Birthday Party. The theme was "Fear Factor" - and needless to say - it was gross:)

First they had to run down with a raw egg in their hands, then a sardine, and then pigs feet. After they dropped the item in a bowl, they had to kick a goal. Some of the boys decided to put the sardines and pigs feet in their mouths. Way to go the extra mile!!

The next challenge was to find gum in a melted Rollo inside of a diaper. These faces are priceless!

The last challenge was to find 5 gummy worms amidst vienna sausages and gravy. We thought Robby looked a bit like his Grandpa Aguilar in this picture!

Happy Birthday Robby!

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