Monday, July 30, 2007

You know it is time to clean out your closet when...

The entire shelf pulls out of the wall!!

It was bound to happen - I have a million clothes and shoes stacked up to the ceiling. But sorting through my closet wasn't something that I wanted to do after a weekend of cleaning and organizing!!

I piled my clothes on the bed and went through my shoes. The 2 bags on the floor are full of shoes that are on their way to Goodwill. (Along with 4 bags of clothes that have been in my car trunk for months now!!)

Gilbert is going to be so happy with his new project when he gets home from work today!!

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

Ms. Julia--Wouldn't you say you're done shopping for a little while?! At least for yourself. You can still continue to shop for Sophia.

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