Monday, July 30, 2007

Medical Update

Last Wednesday Gilbert went to the cardiologist to have his stress test, ultrasound and heart monitor. He did pretty well during the stress test - they cranked it up and he didn't pass out! He goes back this Wednesday to go over the results.

His blood work keeps coming back pretty normal. His red blood count is still a bit high - but nothing to be alarmed about. They want him to come back in a month and have another blood test.

He has been on anxiety medication and that has helped tremendiously. He is still not feeling 100%, but is feeling much, much better!! The neurologist called on Friday and switched up his meds. We are not sure that we like the new medicine that they put him on, but are still giving it some time before asking to switch back to the old or try something else.

This weekend was pretty uneventful. Gilbert and I worked to get the house ready for the Cissell's visit. They will be arriving on Thursday morning and I can't wait!! I even went out and bought some toys so that Sophie could have some fun things to play with at my house!! I just hope that the sun actually comes out and stays out while they are visiting!

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

We are excited about coming too. Glad that Gilberto is feeling better. Sophia can't wait to climb all over her Uncle Bertie.

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