Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Get In Shape Girl

So I have been exercising in some form or fashion since I was 12 or 13. (Unless you count Get In Shape Girl audio tapes - that started much earlier....) I started out with the Cindy Crawford workout videos and also watched some workout shows on TV. I loved the ones on ESPN (even annoying Denise Austin) and also did one on KET called Body Electric. Wouldn't you know that Body Electric is still on??? So I asked Amy to TIVO it for me since the workouts are only about 20 minutes long and it seems that is about all the time I have to work out these days. Today Sophia decided to join me. The first time she joined me for a workout was a few weeks ago when I was doing Turbo Jam. I wish I had pictures of that because it was super fun to watch Sophia try all the punching moves! But here she is at the end of the workout stretching with me.

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