Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Eva is really into exploring things with her hands. Her favorite thing right now is faces. She loves to touch our faces - which I think is rather sweet:)

She also can grab onto objects. She will hang on to our shirts, my hair and will sometimes grab and pull at my necklace! The other day she hit the buttons on her exersaucer to play the music. Very exciting!

I had retired the Moby wrap for awhile (not too sure why), but at the suggestion of the other moms in playgroup, I got it back out and tried Eva in the front-facing positon. She loves it! I can put her in it when I need to eat lunch or when I am working. I also wore her yesterday as I vacuumed the house. I had thought that we would take her stroller this weekend to Orlando, but think that I just may wear her in the airport instead. I am sure she will love checking everything out!

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