Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eva-Renee's Introduction to my Favorite Store

I have been going a bit stir crazy at the house. The only outings I have really taken have been to doctor's appointments - and that really doesn't count! I have been dying to get out and use my stroller and show my baby off!!

So on Saturday Mom, Dad, Eva and I went to the mall and to Central Market. Eva was the perfect baby - she slept the entire time (except when I fed her).

It felt so good to get out of the house and to introduce Eva-Renee to my favorite store - Nordstrom!!

Week 2 Pictures

Me, Ricco, Roxie and Eva

I really was against using a chipon, but I am learning that sometimes I just have to give in!

Baby Napping is the best

This girl does not like her arms confined.

Pictures from Pardie's Camera

Here are some pictures that my Dad and Amy took of Eva last weekend.

Snug in her carseat.

Pardie, Roxie and Eva

She loves to make faces!

Monday, May 26, 2008

First Week

Well, we made it through the first week. We are a bit sleep deprived - but will survive! Gilbert goes back to work tomorrow and I am a bit nervous about that. But luckily my Dad is here to help out!

I wish my sister would come back:(

Giving Daddy Kisses

Proud Mama

Family Time

Gilbert's family came over the weekend to visit Eva.

The Bishops

Cousin Robby

Cousin Katie

Uncle Brad & Aunt Nikki


Great Aunt Josie

Baby Firsts

Over the weekend, Eva experienced her first bath, doctor appointment and walk.

She didn't know what to think at first!
Much Better!
Getting weighed at the doctor's office.

This was so much fun!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Eva is Home!

Eva and I were discharged around lunchtime today. Being back at home is wonderful, although the hospital wasn't nearly as bad as what I thought!

Eva has lost some weight - she is now down to 5 pounds 12 ounces. She is so tiny that all her newborn clothes swim on her. Luckily my sister purchased me a few premie items. They look like doll clothes!

She has her first doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon, my Dad arrives on Saturday and Gilbert's Mom and sister will also be here to visit on Saturday. This weekend will be busy, but it will also give me plenty to blog about!

The Proud Aunts!

She loves his voice

The ride home from the hospital. She looked so tiny in her carseat!

Checking out her room

Gilbert and I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. We also want to thank everyone that came to visit us in the hospital. It made the days go by much faster and it was wonderful to be able to introduce our daughter to you!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Eva's Birthday

Eva Renee Aguilar was born today, Monday, May 19, 2008. She was born at 9:32 am and was 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 inches long. She has a full head of black hair and is absolutely perfect and beautiful. Mom, Julia, is doing well. Both parents are so excited to meet their little girl and very excited for all their friends and family to meet her as well. Thanks for keeping everyone in your prayers!

Check out that mohawk! She's got some beautiful, black hair.

What a beautiful family!

**This blog updated by Amy, Julia's sister**

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our Relaxing Weekend

Gilbert's time off from work started on Saturday. I had forgotten how much I enjoy him being off on Saturdays! We had a very relaxing day, complete with massages and an afternoon nap. We also ran some last minute errands, but nothing too crazy.

This morning we got up and went to church. We are not sure when we will be able to go back with the baby - hopefully we can make it Father's Day weekend!!

My sister will arrive in Austin in a few hours. I am very excited to see her and very grateful for the sacrifices that she made to be with me this week. I know it is going to be hard for her to be away from Cory and Sophie.... Thanks guys for lending her to me for the week!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Assembly Day

Gilbert and I spent this afternoon in full assembly mode. Actually Gilbert did most of the work and I watched. I was just too tired to do much of anything myself!

The stroller and carseat my parents got us for Christmas.

The awesome jogging stroller from Uncle Ken & Aunt Cheryl. Gilbert and I will probably fight over who uses it first!

Swing from my Dad. By far the hardest and most time consuming to assemble.

The "miracle" chair from my sister. As soon as I put it in the bedroom, Roxie laid down next to it. I think she knows that a baby is coming. She is going to be super protective...

The co-sleeper. We wanted to go ahead and put it in the bedroom so the dogs get used to it. The kit to attach it to the bed was not included - I really hope they just forgot it and that it is not extra...

My Last Week

I can't believe I am already down to my last week of being pregnant. I have been waiting for this moment - but the closer it gets - the more anxious I become. My sister insists that my feelings are normal - and I am sure they are. But I just want to fast-forward the next week so that I can't drive myself crazy with details.

I am for sure done with my belly growing. Eva is starting to really push me - and it is starting to hurt! Here's to the next week!!

Gilbert and Miss Roxie

Mother's Day

On Sunday morning we went to breakfast with Nina and Nora. It was great being able to spend Mother's Day morning with Gilbert's mom.
We went to Serrano's - one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I can't wait to eat the salsa again!

Me and Gilbert squinting. The sun was really bright today!

Gilbert, Nina & Nora

Dinner with the Family

On Saturday night Gilbert and I had dinner with his mom, sister Nora and Nikki, Brad, Robby and Katie. Nina and Nora were in town and stayed with us because Gilbert's grandfather is in the hospital in San Antonio. The trip was unexpected, but it was great to spend time with everyone before the baby comes!

Nina & Nora

Nikki & Katie

Robby & Brad

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker