We spent Christmas Eve over at my parent's house. Eva woke up around 7:30AM and we opened gifts with her a little while after that. Amy, Cory and Sophia came over for brunch around 11 and we opened gifts with them. Then they came back over later that evening (after I think we all had naps!) for dinner. It was a great Christmas - even though I didn't get the one thing I asked for.....
Opening her first gift.
A Learn & Grove Table from Grandma & Grandpa!
Opening her gift from Aunt Nikki, Uncle Brad, Robby & Katie
Baby's 1st Christmas Gifts from Aunt Nora
Nora read my mind. I went to Target on the 23rd to buy this for Eva and they were sold out. Great gift!
More Nora gifts!
From Grandma. A cool radio!
Playing with her tower.
Sophia opening the gift we got her.
Riding the pony. No more pony brooms for this girl. Now she has the real thing!
Finally!! My Dad has been talking about this FOREVER....
When she was younger we rushed through bathtime and pj time because Eva would end up screaming if we didn't go fast enough. Now she is really enjoying every part of getting ready for bed - especially naked playtime!
So we finally found a jarred food that Eva will eat - turkey and vegetables! Last night she ate about a quarter of the jar (which is huge - she usually only will take a few bites). After she ate, we gave her a biter biscuit. She loves them - but they are SO messy!
My parent's have been in Florida since Wednesday, so we have been staying at their house. Mom didn't know when or if she would have time to decorate her tree due to her travels and all the construction - so I volunteered to do it for her. Gilbert had to work and Eva was napping, so I decorated it by myself. It helped force me into the holiday spirit - as life recently has not made me very jolly....
Eva doing her part! She slept on the couch listening to Christmas music.
Happy baby after a good nap!
Gilbert had just gotten home. She loves to stare at him and smile!
I can't believe that Eva will be 7 months old tomorrow. It seems like this past month has really flown by.
She is really trying to crawl/stand up. She seems to have the army crawl down and will use it for short distances. She can also manage to totally spin herself around to get a toy (or phone or remote control) that she wants to play with. Using something for support, she can go from sitting to standing.
She still loves "walking around" with us holding her fingers. She likes to bend over and pick things up along the way.
She LOVES other babies and children. She likes most adults, as long as they don't try to hold her:)
She is still curious about a sippy cup (I gave up on the bottle thing). She likes to chew on it more than anything, but I also think that she has been able to get some juice out of it.
She likes Stage 2 baby foods better than Stage 1. She has also enjoyed spanish rice and Little Debbie Christmas cakes. She still isn't thrilled about eating food - hopefully we will have some progress this next month.
She is more interested in chewing on books than reading them:)
She is really good at entertaining herself. We can put her on the floor with a bunch of toys and she is happy playing by herself.
She has gotten much better with her naps, but is still not sleeping big chunks at night. She wakes up at least 3-4 times. And yes, it is slowly killing me...
She loves the dogs.
She is laughing more on her own. She thinks she is pretty funny sometimes!
Here are some pics and videos that I took today.
I really don't know if she is trying to crawl or stand up. It really just looks like she is getting ready to do a push-up, and not the girly kind!
She is so proud of herself!
My little cutie. I think she is looking like her Daddy...
Touching the Christmas Tree
Doing the Army Crawl for the Phone
Doing a little Dance (this is super short because my camera died...)
Eva is getting a huge kick out of looking at herself in mirrors. I still don't know if she thinks it is another baby or if she realizes it is her. She also likes to look at pictures of herself and videos too.
Here is a video of her looking at herself in video and pictures.
And here is a picture of her looking at herself in a mirror.