Gilbert's Mom gave us money this year to take Eva to Build A Bear for her Christmas gift. Gilbert and I both took today off and thought it would be a great idea to take her and meet up with Megan, Troy and Caroline.
Eva was a little overwhelmed by all the choices, but ended up picking a panda bear. She has a series of videos called Little Pim that teach her spanish, so when she saw the panda bear she keps saying Pim!
I had a great time picking out Little Pim's outfit. I could go crazy in there:) I am sure we will take her back in a few months to pick out a new outfit for her bear - which would be a lot cheaper than getting her a new bear:)
After our bear experience we went to eat at O'Charleys. Eva was such a good girl at the restaurant and loved looking at Caroline - or "Baby" as she called her!
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