Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black Friday / Long Friday

My Mom and Sister are some of the crazy people that get up at 5AM the day after Thanksgiving to go shopping. True to their tradition, they left the house at 5:45AM to check out some sales. Dad and I met up with them a little after 9 and proceeded to have the longest shopping day in history! Now, I love to shop at the mall- but I think I am going to do the rest of my Christmas shopping online!! Dad insisted that Amy and I go and see my "shoe guy" at Nordstrom. We didn't protest and both of us ended up with some amazing Frye boots. Thanks Dad!!
We also stopped by USA Baby (my favorite baby store) to check out the bedding and accessories. Mom and Dad bought Gilbert and I a wonderful carseat and stroller for the baby for Christmas. It is the perfect present - as neither of us really wanted anything for ourselves. Funny how a baby changes things....

Loving on Sophie after a day of shopping

After dinnner we tried for a Blackwell/Cissell/Aguilar family picture. It was a little late for Sophie, but I think we were able to capture a few good ones!

1 comment:

The Cissells said...

Come on. That was definately not the longest shopping day for Mom and I. You gotta get up early for the deals.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker