Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black Friday / Long Friday

My Mom and Sister are some of the crazy people that get up at 5AM the day after Thanksgiving to go shopping. True to their tradition, they left the house at 5:45AM to check out some sales. Dad and I met up with them a little after 9 and proceeded to have the longest shopping day in history! Now, I love to shop at the mall- but I think I am going to do the rest of my Christmas shopping online!! Dad insisted that Amy and I go and see my "shoe guy" at Nordstrom. We didn't protest and both of us ended up with some amazing Frye boots. Thanks Dad!!
We also stopped by USA Baby (my favorite baby store) to check out the bedding and accessories. Mom and Dad bought Gilbert and I a wonderful carseat and stroller for the baby for Christmas. It is the perfect present - as neither of us really wanted anything for ourselves. Funny how a baby changes things....

Loving on Sophie after a day of shopping

After dinnner we tried for a Blackwell/Cissell/Aguilar family picture. It was a little late for Sophie, but I think we were able to capture a few good ones!

Thanksgiving with the Aguilar's

This year my family flew to Austin for Thanksgiving. I was very happy that they could all come. Thankfully Mom did not leave the cooking to me and made a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

Tasty Turkey

The tablescape (my only responsibility!!)
Sophia enjoying some Thanksgiving veggies
Time to relax with Uncle Beto

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Visit to the Doctor (but not for me!!)

Today I went with Rebekah to her doctor's appointment. She is 37.5 weeks pregnant and watching a 13 month old during your visit is a bit much to handle! So I went along to keep Joanna entertained. I can't believe how fast she has grown and how fast she moves around!!
Rebekah got an ultrasound and I felt like an idiot because I just didn't "see" the baby. That is because I was looking for something tiny! Her baby is measuring over 8 lbs and she is measuring at 40 weeks. She is so ready to have this baby!

Looks so much like her Mom!

Catch me if you can!

Carrying my purse. It is as wide as she is!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 12

On Thursday I went to the doctor for my 12-week appointment. It was a pretty simple appointment - they just took my blood pressure and then listened for the heartbeat. For the first minute, all I could hear was a whoosing noise - causing me to panic. But I guess my heartbeat was mixing with the baby's. She was finally able to isolate the baby's and it was the most wonderful sound. The baby's heartrate was 155 - which according to an old wives tale - means I am having a girl. Hopefully I will find out the sex of the baby next month - hopefully!!

Car Shopping

Uncle Doug sold the Porshe the weekend that we arrived in Seattle (at least Gilbert got to drive it first!!). So he and Gilbert went car shopping for his next car - a muscle car!

Downtown Seattle Market

On Tuesday Uncle Doug & Aunt Michele took us to downtown Seattle for lunch and to check out the market. The market had a section of arts and crafts - and then moved on to the fresh fish, produce and flowers. Gilbert even got to watch them throw fish around! We also tasted some delicious honey crisp apples. I wish we would have purchased some! It was a great afternoon.

Amazing Seafood Selection

Uncle Doug aka Gros Cochon

Space Needle

Monday Night Football

On Monday night we went to go and see the 49ers vs. the Seahawks. The 49ers did not have a good game, but we had fun anyway. The Seahawk fans are SO loud!! Going to the game was the highlight of the trip!
Our Awesome Seats


Pre-Game Huddle


Uncle Doug & Gilbert

Me & Aunt Michele

Monday, November 12, 2007

Washington Part I

On Thursday afternoon Gilbert and I flew to Seattle. The view from the plane window was amazing.

On Friday afternoon we left Seattle and drove to Sunnyside to visit some of Gilbert's family. Sunnyside is a 3 hour drive through the mountains and it was beautiful. On the way there, we didn't see any snow, but on Sunday on the way back, the tops of the mountains were covered. Luckily none made it down to the road!!

Drive to Sunnyside

Breakfast at Tia Benji's

Girl Talk

Gilbert and Tia Mary

Josh, Kai'Lei, Cheyenne, Lucy and Fidel

Gilbert and Kai'Lei with her Pontiac Firebird

Views from the drive back to Seattle

It was great getting to meet and visit with Gilbert's aunts and cousins. They want us to come back in the summer for some camping (which I don't do), but wouldn't mind staying in a hotel down the road! Thank you to Tia Elvia and Fidel and Lucy for letting us stay with you. And thank you to Tia Benji, Tia Mary and Edica for the wonderful food. We had a great time!!
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker